February 29, 2012 6:11 pm Published by


Cara Salimando on recording with Johanna Fateman:


Last day of the month = 2 new songs from me.

FEBRUARY: JOHANNA FATEMAN + CARA SALIMANDO « (click here to purchase!)


Johanna is one of my favorite people to work with. I don’t usually fangirl about it around her, but I LOVE her band Le Tigre and when I found out last year that we were going to be matched up as writing partners, I definitely fangirled, a lot. Don’t even get me started about how hard it was to contain my excitement at our initial meeting for coffee to talk about working together. We hit it off and have written a few songs together since then. These are two songs we collaborated on that I pulled for me. 

These songs are really different from anything I’ve done. You may remember I posted a free demo of “Arrows” a few months ago. Well, here it is in full now.

I’ve had the verse and the pre-chorus of this song hanging around in my life since I was 15… it was a little recording I had made on my handheld voice recorder but I never knew what I could do with it. As soon as I found out I was working with Johanna for sure, I went through my recorder for ideas, and came across the idea for “Arrows” again. I knew she would be perfect for it, and indeed, she was. “Arrows” is the first song we wrote together.

“Anyway” is a bit lighter and poppier. Johanna had this really awesome track that she was working on but was kind of bored of. She played it for me and I just started singing a bunch of nonsense. We recorded the nonsense and turned that nonsense into words.

Both are super awesome. And you can own them for under 2 dollars. 

Special thanks to Mike Beck for last minute mixing and mastering skills. You are a life saver.

Happy Leap Day. Celebrate with new music. 

x Cara Salimando

PS if you like, PLEASE REBLOG. Thanks, love you forever.