December 1, 2013 7:50 pm
Beautiful blonde balayage painted highlights Inspired by Scarlett Johansson and artfully recreated by lead Seagal Shaun!
Beautiful blonde balayage painted highlights Inspired by Scarlett Johansson and artfully recreated by lead Seagal Shaun!
Beautiful blonde balayage painted highlights Inspired by Scarlett Johansson and artfully recreated by lead Seagal Shaun!
Beautiful cool blonde highlights and a perfect layered haircut by lead Seagal Shaun!
Beautiful cool blonde highlights and a perfect layered haircut by lead Seagal Shaun!
Carly added blonde highlights to a year old ombre to complement this cool new rocker haircut. The results are beautiful!
Carly added blonde highlights to a year old ombre to complement this cool new rocker haircut. The results are beautiful!